Further controversy is the ultimate factor the Royal Family needs right now. But, once again, the Prince of Wales’s willingness to be given large sums of money from controversial foreign businessmen and politicians has plunged the inheritor to the throne into murky waters.

This time, the revelation that he took bags stuffed with €500 banknotes exposes Prince Charles to accusations of appalling horrific judgment.

What’s tons greater detrimental is that his conduct raises wider concerns. It is no exaggeration to say that his succession to the throne may want to be in jeopardy.

There is no doubt the future success of the Monarchy rests on its probity. Any suspicion of cash for favours involving Prince Charles and his charities raises such issues.

Of course, this is a ways from being the first time that largesse from wealthy foreigners has been poured the way of the inheritor to the throne. His long-standing and closest aide, Michael Fawcett, offered a Saudi billionaire a knighthood in return for a big donation to The Prince’s Foundation.

At best, Charles failed to keep a test on what was once being carried out in his name. At worst, he was once complicit.

Over the past 30 years, the Prince has persistently exposed himself to accusations that he has taken ‘cash for access’ – and, worse, used his influence to promote those who donate to his favored causes.

In his defence, the money has not been to spend on himself, however to be used via his charities. His mistake, though, is that as a substitute of fundraising with entire transparency, he has been privately accepting large sums of money from overseas businessmen – some of whom have been accused of dishonesty.

Charles used to be many times warned by using his father, Prince Philip, that he had allowed himself to be surrounded by means of unsuitable and controversial politicians and businessmen. Stubbornly, Charles neglected that advice.

He has constantly said he has by no means been in my view concerned himself in the important points of fundraising for his charities.

In this instance of an alleged receipt of cash from a controversial Qatari politician, as regular the Prince’s aides would not have dared to increase the alarm at being asked to take care of carrier bags stuffed with cash like a scene from the TV comedy Only Fools And Horses. They understand that the Palace reacts to criticism with threats of dismissal.

It is additionally reminiscent of many years ago when he unwisely became worried in a planning row, interestingly complaining to the top minister of Qatar about the redevelopment of Chelsea Barracks. This led the Qatari developer to withdraw its planning application – only to be sued by its partners. A High Court judge branded Charles’s intervention ‘unexpected and unwelcome’.

This trendy revelation about accepting a suitcase containing €1 million in money inevitably raises questions about what has befell to the police investigation into how Fawcett allegedly presented to help a Saudi billionaire improve his honorary CBE to a knighthood and guide his utility for British citizenship in alternate for ‘generous’ donations to the foundation.

The Prince of Wales ought to sincerely also concern that the supply of these vastly embarrassing revelations should continue to make extra testimonies public.

Over current years, the Queen’s advisers have skilfully and accurately navigated the Monarchy through durations of doable crisis. By contrast, Charles has now not employed staff whose obligation is to warn him now not to be given money in service bags.

It’s challenging no longer to suppose that Charles, as head of his court, has failed to maintain control, and it is an extraordinarily bad seem for the future king.